581 Ergebnisse - Zeige 1 von 20.

Die kleine Hexe: Jubiläumsausgabe
Der Kinderbuch Klassiker von Otfried Preußler wird 60 Jahre alt! Für Kinder ab 6 Jahren. Die kleine Hexe ist mit ihren 127 Jahren viel zu jung, um mit den großen Hexen in der Walpurgisnacht auf dem Blocksberg zu tanzen. Doch das ist ihr egal: Sie springt auf ihren Besen und feiert den Hexentanz mit. Dass sie dabei erwischt werden könnte, ...

19,50 CHF

Fritzi Klitschmüller 1: Fritzi Klitschmüller
Gemeinsam mit ihrem Freund Thies wirbelt Fritzi durch die Nachbarschaft, um sich ihren Traum zu erfüllen. Gar nicht so einfach, denn obendrein müssen die beiden ihre Freundschaft vor Fritzis Vater geheim halten. Der kann die neuen Nachbarn aus dem Ärgerhäuschen nämlich überhaupt nicht leiden ... Turbulente Ferien voll geheimer Heimlichkeiten und großer Abenteuer beginnen!

16,50 CHF

Die Letzten Zapolya, Zweiter Band
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,50 CHF

Adelbert Von Chamisso's Werke
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

46,90 CHF

Zwischen Havel Und Spree: Novellen
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,90 CHF

Wlasta: Bohmisch-Nationales Heldengedicht in Drei Buchern: Von Karl Egon Ebert
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

46,90 CHF

Legenden, Volkssagen, Gespenster-Und Zaubergeschichten: Gesammelt Und Bearbeitet Von L. V. Baczko, Zweiter Band
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

46,90 CHF

Universum Des Witzes Und Der Ungeheuren Heiterkeit: Ein Unumganglich-Nothwendiges Taschen-Receptbuch Fur Alle Diejenigen, Die Den Maiter de
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,50 CHF

Fruhlingsklange: Lyrische Gedichte: Nebst Einem Drama: Das Lippspringer Bad: Von Franz Joseph Micus
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,50 CHF

Phantasiestucke Und Historien Von C. Weisflog, Erster Band
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,90 CHF

Mozart: Ein Kunstlerleben: Cultur-Historischer Roman: Von Heribert Rau, Erster Band
Nineteenth Century Collections Online: European Literature, 1790-1840: The Corvey Collection includes the full-text of more than 9, 500 English, French and German titles. The collection is sourced from the remarkable library of Victor Amadeus, whose Castle Corvey collection was one of the most spectacular discoveries of the late 1970s. The Corvey Collection comprises one of the most important collections of ...

44,90 CHF