13 Ergebnisse.

Principles and Practice of Marketing
The landmark tenth edition of McGraw-Hill's leading textbook, Principles and Practice of Marketing provides a contemporary introduction to marketing, covering all the theoretical principles, frameworks and concepts that form the backbone of marketing education, and looking at how they apply in modern business practice. Find out:. The role of AI in Fashion Retailing to enhance the customer experience.. How Dr. ...

91,00 CHF

The Economics of European Integration
The seventh edition of The Economics of European Integration provides students with an accessible presentation of the facts, theories and controversies that are driving rapid change at the heart of Europe. This new edition covers crucial updates on the impact of Brexit and Covid-19 and offers an expert analysis of the contemporary status of integration within the European Union.Key Features ...

91,00 CHF

Foundations of Marketing
Have you wondered how marketers use data and technology to capture relevant information on their target audience? Or how marketers in today's world deal with questions around sustainability, climate change and planned product obsolescence? In its 7th edition, Foundations of Marketing aims to answer these pressing questions. This leading textbook is packed with contemporary examples and case studies that highlight ...

80,00 CHF

German Grammar Drills, Premium
Build your mastery of German grammar with the most focused review and practice workbook for beginning to intermediate learners-now with extensive audio support!Understanding the rules of grammar is the first step in learning a language, but gaining true mastery requires reinforcing your knowledge with extensive practice. In German Grammar Drills, you'll get all the practice you need to build confidence ...

26,90 CHF

SPSS Survival Manual
The SPSS Survival Manual throws a lifeline to students and researchers grappling with this powerful data analysis software.In her bestselling guide, Julie Pallant takes you through the entire research process, helping you choose the right data analysis technique for your project. This edition has been updated to include up to SPSS version 26. From the formulation of research questions, to ...

71,00 CHF

Personality Psychology
Personality makes us who we are and influences every aspect of our lives - from how we interact withothers, to how we respond in stressful situations. Personality Psychology uses a unique organizationalframework to explore the six key domains of knowledge about personality - Dispositional, Biological, Intrapsychic, Cognitive/Experiential, Social/Cultural and Adjustment. This third edition focuses on the scientificbasis of current understanding, ...

84,00 CHF

Doing a Literature Review in Health and Social Care: A Practical Guide
This best-selling book is a step-by-step guide to doing a literaturereview for students in all areas of health and social care. It is vitalreading for all those doing their undergraduate dissertation or anystudy that involves doing a literature review.This book provides a practical guide to doing a literature reviewfrom start to finish. This fourth edition includes:. A broad range of ...

44,90 CHF

Organisational Behaviour
This sixth edition of Organisational Behaviour provides a thorough introduction to the field for students and aspiring practitioners alike. Comprehensively revised to reflect the most recent developments, this text also retains its strong research foundations. Balancing a psychological approach with social perspectives, covering the effects of personality, emotions, values and group dynamics on an organisation, this book also has a ...

98,00 CHF

Management Accounting, 6e
Management Accounting is a market-leading textbook that offers comprehensive coverage of issues related to managing business accounts, enabling students to utilize both financial and non-financial data to paint a picture of the organization they are working in. The book provides an introduction to cost and management accounting, understanding information for decision making, planning and controlling budgets and reporting, and understanding ...

98,00 CHF

Knockout Interview
Why do you want to leave your current role?Where have you had to work under pressure? If our roles were reversed, what questions would you ask? Tough questions like these can unnerve even the most confident jobseeker, proving that it's not always the best candidate who gets the job, it's the best interviewee. Whether a first-time jobseeker, career-changer, or returning ...

23,90 CHF

Strategic Management. With Powerweb
Nach der Oktoberrevolution von 1917 wollten Revolutionäre nachdenken, wie der Kampf gegen den Zarismus zum Erfolg geführt hatte. So gründeten Anarchisten, Sozialrevolutionäre, Bolschewiki und Menschewiki 1921 die "Gesellschaft ehemaliger politischer Zwangsarbeiter und Verbannter". Sie hat wertvolles Material über die revolutionäre Bewegung bewahrt und gesichert. Innerhalb des sowjetischen Staates konnte sie eine Nische besetzen, in der intellektuelle Wertvorstellungen von einer unabhängigen ...

81,00 CHF