190 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Anne-Marie Sprenger
Anne-Marie Sprenger has been collecting stories experienced with shoes for a number of years. The shoe stories and poems are gifts from individuals who have allowed the artist to take part in excerpts of their lives. "Shoes" as a topic trigger unexpected possible associations and interpretations: they symbolically represent journeys in life that are often tortuous and not straightforward, at ...

42,90 CHF

Suicide and suicidal tendencies are sufferings that are concealed in our society. Roughly 10, 000 people die at their own hand in Germany each year, most of them in severe psychological, social, and physical distress. The silence that accompanies their passing has a deadly effect. That is why speaking publically about suicide, its cause and effect, is of importance to ...

50,50 CHF

Johannes Brus
Johannes Brus (*1942) besitzt eine künstlerische Doppelbegabung. Als Bildhauer arbeitet er stets figurativ. Seine in Gips, Beton und Bronze realisierten Abgüsse mit sichtbaren künstlerischen Formulierungen wie deformierten Kanten und Gussnähten sind von nachhaltiger Präsenz. Als Fotograf betätigt sich Brus als Bildersucher und Alchemist, der mit Licht, Chemikalien, Solarisation und Farbe existierende Motive verwertet und nicht zuletzt aus zufälligen Strukturen neue ...

42,90 CHF

SoS (Soft Solidarity)
SoS (Soft Solidarity) was conceived by NataSa Ilic and Solvej Helweg Ovesen as a link to the exhibition and discourse series POW and UP at the Galerie Wedding. Artists, scientists, and activists based in Berlin were invited to develop a dialogue about solidarity in the form of exhibitions, performances, and presentations. How and with whom or what do we show ...

42,50 CHF

Zeithistorische Ausstellungen
The publication brings together reflective practice and practice-oriented theory, thereby enabling theories and thought-provoking impulses for the future to be developed on the basis of practical examples. For instance, based on the example of a large changing exhibition, the realization of an exhibition project is presented with its various steps and work areas. The development of the current status quo ...

54,50 CHF

Welt - Bühne - Traum
In Ernst Ludwig Kirchner's studio scene Bathers in a Room, the Saarlandmuseum possesses a key work of German Expressionism. The theme of the painting is Kirchner's live-work space in Dresden from 1909-11. Here, during the early years of the artists' collective Die Brücke, a universe was created that considered itself a radical alternative to the bourgeois norms of Wilhelmine-era society. ...

54,50 CHF

Rosenhang Museum
Did the Hessian province lack a museum of contemporary art in particular? Yes, of course. There was no museum, and definitely not such a museum. Antje Helbig and Joachim Legner have transformed the industrial wasteland of the former August Helbig brewery into their Rosenhang Museum-a wonderful, idiosyncratic, and freethinking place for contemporary art and surprises. A center for art that ...

45,90 CHF

Dieter Huber: AMANTI
As a visual artist, Dieter Huber has sifted through the history of culture for aspects of LOVE and developed the extensive work AMANTI Spiele der Liebe with 366 pictures over several years. The texts about AMANTI are a subjective collection from the fields of philosophy, poetry, culture, sociology, art, religion, and opera, as well as from love letters and song ...

88,00 CHF

Bei uns. Bei Euch!
Last fall the industrial city of Chemnitz was selected as Europe's Cultural Capital of 2025. Since then, at least the German art scene has looked with astonishment at the city in Saxony, discredited by the German right wing. It found a vital art scene that was already non-conformist even during the GDR era, and includes the collective AG Geige and ...

39,90 CHF

Intimacy is an ambivalent phenomenon - and not just since social distancing has become part of our everyday lives. Closeness has become part of yearning, while distance is considered something to overcome. This notion, however, falls short: art demonstrates to us that ambivalence has always determined the metaphors for proximity and distance. This book compiles works of art that look ...

49,90 CHF

Facing the Balkans
Wie sieht Südosteuropa jenseits unserer Klischees vom Balkan aus? Dieser Frage stellte sich Harald Schmitt (*1948), ehemaliger stern-Fotograf und sechsmaliger Preisträger des World Press Photo Awards. Fünfmal ging er dafür zwischen 2015 und 2019 auf Reisen. Seine Bilder zeigen eine Region im Wandel zwischen religiöser Vielfalt, innovativem Gründertum und komplizierter Vergangenheit. Der Katalog anlässlich der Jahresausstellung 2021 der Bayerischen Staatsbibliothek ...

63,00 CHF

Elisabeth Mehrl
In ihrer konzeptuellen Malerei verhandelt Elisabeth Mehrl seit vielen Jahren unsere Sehnsucht nach dem Schönen, nach Sinnlichkeit und Fülle. Als Bildmotive verwendet sie überdimensional große Schmuckstücke - in aufwändigem Malprozess gefertigt und verlockend schön. Konsequent inszeniert Mehrl in ihrem malerischen Werk das Moment des auratischen Aufgeladenseins, indem sie ihre Bildgegenstände jedes konkreten Kontextes entkleidet und sie ohne alles erzählerische Beiwerk ...

48,90 CHF

Claus Clément
The Hamburg-based artist Claus Clément works mainly with paper. His CultueCUTScollagen literally cut across our cultural visual production. To do so, Clément makes free use of art history, contemporary art, commercial advertising, and pop culture. He tears up, cuts up, glues, and assembles fragments to form new, surrealistic pictorial worlds involving strange encounters between art and culture. A pop picture ...

51,90 CHF

Der Katalog Wald. Wolf. Wildnis. beschäftigt sich mit künstlerischen Interpretationen des Sujets »Wald« und dem dorthin zurückgekehrten Wolf, der ein Stück Wildnis verkörpert. Alle Genres - Malerei, Skulptur, Fotografie, Zeichnung, Graphik, Videos und Kleinplastik - sind vertreten: Die überwiegend zeitgenössischen Werke von 25 Künstler*innen zeigen lichtdurchflutete, aber auch geheimnisvolle, dunkle, magische Wälder, romantische und rätselhafte Naturlandschaften, den einzelnen Wolf, Wolfsrudel, ...

40,90 CHF

Jürgen Heinrich
Without darkness, no light-without night, no day. In the past three years, Jürgen Heinrich has extensively occupied himself with the "night": in art, literature, and music. He has personally circled around the phenomenon of the night in various phases of his work. In painting, drawing, and artist's book, he has dedicated himself to all the facets of the night. For ...

49,90 CHF

The Videoart at Midnight Künstlerkochbuch
Have you ever watched Douglas Gordon cook? Do you know Harun Farocki's favourite dal? Would you like to nibble straight from the pot with Keren Cytter or recreate Agnieszka Polska's pirogi with trumpets of death? Cookbooks are a dime a dozen. And there's even a certain tradition of artists' cookbooks. But there is only the one Videoart at Midnight Artists' ...

54,50 CHF

Martin Voßwinkel
Aus dem einstmals programmatisch festgelegten Kanon der Konkreten Kunst stechen die Werke von Martin Voßwinkel (*1963) vor allem durch ihre Sinnlichkeit heraus. Sie besitzen eine unverwechselbare Dynamik zwischen abstrakter Farb- und konkreter Raumerfahrung. Martin Voßwinkels Bildkonzepte eröffnen einen Dialog mit dem urbanen Raum. Die reale Welt wird somit wieder zum Ausgangspunkt, Bezugssystem und integralen Bestandteil der Konkreten Kunst. Die Publikation ...

42,90 CHF

The Opéra
THE OPÉRA erfindet sich neu - zumindest ein wenig. Nach acht erfolgreichen Ausgaben mit wechselnder Art Direktion, betraute Herausgeber Matthias Straub Design-Legende Mirko Borsche (ZEIT Magazin, SZ-Magazin u.v.a.) mit dem gestalterischen Relaunch der neunten Ausgabe: Ein erfrischend neuer Umgang mit Bild und Typografie bringt THE OPÉRA ins nächste Jahrzehnt. Die bewährte Struktur und der künstlerische Blick bei der Auswahl der ...

60,50 CHF

Anything goes?
In 1987, Berlin as a whole became a laboratory for architecture. A wide range of notable buildings with a unique density was created in the East and the West in connection with the city's 750th anniversary. While the buildings were vilified at the time, they now appear as important witnesses to a "postmodern" era of building, which called the traditional ...

63,00 CHF

Elisabeth Erdmann-Macke
Elisabeth Erdmann-Macke (1888-1978) chronicled her eventful life for forty-three years: The brief marriage to August Macke, the marriage to the journalist Lothar Erdmann, the turbulent 1920s in Bonn and Berlin, the seizure of power, and Erdmann's gruesome death at the Sachsenhausen concentration camp, the years of the war, and the return to Bonn. As executor of Macke's estate, she wrote ...

54,50 CHF