243 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Das Berliner Zimmer
Found in Berlin's characteristic multi-story residential buildings, Berliner Zimmer-courtyard-facing corner rooms located between the front and side wings-have always offered both constraints and opportunities. They are dark, hard to heat, and have no clearly defined function. They are rooms that invite creative approaches to the space, rooms that are both loved and hated-but that have, until now, been little-researched. In ...

41,50 CHF

Blühstreifen - zwischen Traum und Zaun
The catalog Blühstreifen-zwischen Traum und Zaun appears on the occasion of the exhibition, with the same name, at the Kunsthalle Erfurt and the Erfurter Kunstverein. The garden is presented as a place of duality and of contradiction, nestled in the borderland between reality and ideal, utopia and dystopia, order and chaos, exclusion and inclusion-a paradise inherently threatened with the feeling ...

51,90 CHF

Die Salons der Republik
The political climate of our time is being shaped by a dwindling ability to engage in public dialogue, putting democratic practices under increasing pressure. In order to counter the trend towards retreating into the realm of self-affirmation, we need new spaces in which public debate is not only tolerated but stimulated. With this in mind, students at RheinMain University of ...

32,50 CHF

Architektinnen. BDA
Präsenz zeigen und die Bedeutung von Architektinnen für die zeitgenössische Baukultur sichtbar machen: Unter diesem Leitsatz steht die Werkschau Architektinnen . BDA, ein Beitrag des Bunds Deutscher Architektinnen und Architekten Berlin zum Festival Women in Architecture Berlin 2021. Die Kuratorinnen machen die geballte weibliche Kompetenz im BDA sichtbar - als Gemeinschaft individueller Köpfe, die das Engagement für den Berufsstand und ...

41,50 CHF

Ein neuer Typus Kirche
Once the center of village and city life, diminishing congregation numbers have left church buildings increasingly empty or forced to close. So, how can they be revitalized? Since 2016, under the patronage of the Evangelical Church in Middle Germany and the International Building Exhibition IBA Thueringen, citizens have unified through solidarity-forming projects to reactivate their churches as sites of community. ...

51,90 CHF

100+ presents new approaches to the history and significance of the Bauhaus. The year 1919 serves as a starting point for a micro-historical consideration of the institution's global reach, including previously repressed voices, particularly those of queer protagonists. With its rejection of the meta-narrative of modern architecture, the avant-garde is revealed to embody inherent tensions between belief in progress and ...

51,90 CHF

Retail in Transition: Verkaufswelten im Umbruch
Digitale Technologie, neue Geschäftsmodelle, der demografische wie auch kulturelle Wandel und jetzt auch noch die Corona-Pandemie bringen das klassische Modell des stationären Einzelhandels ins Wanken. All diese Entwicklungen haben einen tiefgehenden Einfluss auf unsere Städte und das urbane Leben. In den Innenstädten und deren Einkaufsstraßen entscheidet und formiert sich das nächste Kapitel unserer gesellschaftlichen Entwicklung. Wie werden die Städte mit ...

39,90 CHF

Jörg Friedrich pfp architekturen
Jörg Friedrich hat in den letzten 25 Jahren mit seinem renommierten Hamburger Architekturbüro pfp-architekten ein breites Spektrum an öffentlicher und privater Architektur mit ganz unterschiedlichen Nutzungen geplant und realisiert. Das Büro arbeitet an der Minimalisierung des architektonischen Objektes im städtebaulichen Kontext. In kontinuierlicher Auseinandersetzung mit den Idealen der klassischen Moderne geht es um deren Transformation in eine entspannte Zukunft von ...

67,00 CHF

Die Stadt nach Corona
Working from home, undertourism, online shopping: The effects of the COVID-19 pandemic have changed how we see the city. Is our longing for urban density mere nostalgia? How can the city change to cope with the emergencies that climate change will bring? Prognoses oscillate between dystopia and utopia, between deserted city centers with empty offices and greener ecological urban redevelopment ...

35,50 CHF

Polylemma (Deutsche Sprachausgabe)
No Trust, No City!" was the longtime credo on their website, "Some Ideas for Better Cities" was their first joint lecture series, and Acting in Public was their first book. For over than twenty years, the architecture collective raumlaborberlin has been searching for new spaces of encounter and for ways of achieving cooperative urban development. Together with experts from various ...

61,90 CHF

Kunst Haus Graz
Today, the Kunsthaus Graz is integral to the urban identity of Austria's second-largest city. This "friendly alien" designed by architects Peter Cook and Colin Fournier has become a familiar object in the city since landing in 2003. But views on the building have changed with the times. Looking back at nearly twenty years of history since the building's creation, the ...

42,90 CHF

Erfolgreich ohne Galerie
All around the world, the art industry is in a state of upheaval. Globalization, digitalization, and now the coronavirus crisis are calling the traditional collaboration of artists and galleries into question. What's more, many galleries have been forced to close for economic reasons. As in other cultural branches, joint marketing can no longer counted on to for success. This book ...

32,50 CHF

Open Architecture
Sustainability, the author argues, is an integral part of architectural design and construction. To achieve it, he has developed a holistic approach: a flexible timber building system that centers design on the interactions of the building's users. The system achieves sustainable construction not only through its material, wood, but also through the flexiblity and adaptability of the residential buildings where ...

51,90 CHF

Berlin & Berlin
After the Wall came down, Berlin was faced with unprecedented city planning tasks. The partition of the city needed to be remedied, and ideas for the as-yet uncertain future needed to be developed and implemented within an extremely short time. Fifteen of the planners from East and West Berlin responsible look back on the concepts that were created, how the ...

35,50 CHF

2000 Jahre Wohnen in Wien
Housing as the social history of a city over the course of 2, 000 years. Wolfgang Förster explores the sociocultural history of Vienna based the way its housing has evolved-from the Celtic oppidum to the present day.

44,90 CHF

Die urbane Leere
Economic, ecological, and social crises not only become manifest as interruptions in societal developments, but also as spatial phenomena. A key example of these are urban wastelands such as abandoned factory sites, large-scale unoccupied residential buildings, and unused spaces at street level. They are the visible results of urban change, highlighting the challenges for disciplines such as architecture and urban ...

49,90 CHF

Deutsche Botschaften
aim-to represent a state in a foreign country and reflect its societal self-image-turns them into political symbols. Over the past 150 years, Germany has consistently sought to express itself through the distinct architecture of its government buildings in other countries. In particular, the new diplomatic buildings constructed during the forty-year division between the GDR and FGR document the close relationships ...

74,00 CHF

Die Bodenfrage
We are living on the ground and with the ground. It feeds us and it cools the earth`s atmosphere. We need it for housing, we use it for leisure and for work - without free access to land our economic model would not work. But this has changed significantly since the global financial market crisis. Since conservative investments lost their ...

24,50 CHF

Das Hochhaus als Gewebe von Gestaltung und Technik
The construction of high-rise buildings is often accompanied by highly emotional debate. On the one hand, this building type is seen as a solution for the current challenges facing cities, on the other, it is viewed as aesthetically unacceptable or as an expression of undesirable gentrification. Modern designs demonstrate a typological fatigue that stands in stark contrast to the structural ...

51,90 CHF

Das Meisterwerk
Der Roxy-Palast in Berlin-Friedenau, von 1927 bis 1929 als Geschäftshaus mit integriertem Großkino errichtet und jüngst denkmalgerecht saniert, ist das Hauptwerk von Martin Punitzer. Der 1939 ins chilenische Exil getriebene und danach weitgehend vergessene Berliner Architekt hat jedoch ein weit größeres und zu Unrecht kaum beachtetes Oeuvre hinterlassen. Unter Einbeziehung von Material, Farbe und Licht entwickelte er eine ganz eigene ...

57,50 CHF