165 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

Stradella: La Susanna
Narrator: MARTIN ORO Susanna: GEMMA BERTAGNOLLI First Judge: SERGIO FORESTI Second: Judge MIRKO GUADAGNINI Daniel: ISABEL ALVAREZ Live recording: 10 & 11 August 2011, Schloss Maretsch, Bolzano, Italy

15,90 CHF

Die Frescobaldi Legende-Transkriptionen
Although Girolamo Frescobaldi is said to have had a beautiful singing voice, it was his talent as a keyboardist that brought him into the spotlight in Italy in the late 16th and early 17th centuries, and which allowed him the opportunity to frequent such established composers as John Dowland and Orlando di Lasso. After Frescobaldi was appointed organist of St ...

14,50 CHF

Sonatas Played On Harpsichord/Piano/Guitar/+
Baroque powerhouse Domenico Scarlatti -- son of the great Alessandro Scarlatti and born in 1600, the same year as Johann Sebastian Bach and George Friderich Handel -- wrote an enormous 555 keyboard sonatas. These were mostly to be performed on the harpsichord, although several sources suggest that he may have also written some for the fortepiano at the Spanish court, ...

27,90 CHF

Sonatas And Partitas For Solo Violin
CD1 Sonata No.1 in G minor BWV1001 1 I. Adagio 3'53 2 II. Fuga: Allegro 5'28 3 III. Siciliana 3'04 4 IV. Presto 2'32 Partita No.1 in B minor BWV1002 5 I. Allemanda 4'25 6 II. Double 2'10 7 III. Corrente 2'15 8 IV. Double: Presto 2'44 9 V. Sarabande 1'53 10 VI. Double 1'22 11 VII. Tempo di Borea ...

17,50 CHF

Vincelot Und Der Schwarze Ritter
Turnier auf Burg Drachenfels! Vincelot und sein magisches Schwert Jaber beobachten gespannt, wie die besten Ritter des Landes gegeneinander antreten. Doch plötzlich sorgt ein geheimnisvoller schwarzer Ritter für Aufregung: Seine Gegner werden einer nach dem anderen in lächerliche Figuren verwandelt und er trägt jeden Sieg davon. Vincelot muss unbedingt verhindern, dass der gemeine Zauberer das Turnier gewinnt. Aber wie soll ...

18,90 CHF

Italienisches Liederbuch
Although Wolf was not at all happy about being branded a composer of the late Romantic German lied, he did in fact devote most of his career to the genre, and the labelling seems an especially fair one given that he did effectively bring the lied to a final, splendid blooming, extracting it from the sphere of domestic music-making and ...

20,50 CHF

Dreams,Memories And Impressions
J.B. Foerster was born in this house on 30 December 1859 in order, through his music, to raise us to the heights of beauty." Although little known today in the wider musical world and even in his own country, Czech composer Josef Bohuslav Foerster was highly revered among his contemporaries. Foerster was active during the Czech National Revival, when the ...

24,90 CHF

Der Wildschütz
Plyta 1. Hornik, Gottfried - Der Wildschuetz (Oper In 3 Akt Ouvertuere Tanz (1. Akt) Es Lebe Das Brautpaar! - So Munter Und Frohlich Wi Lied A, B, C, D Ein Brief Vom Herrn Grafen Grete! Grete! Lass Er Doch Horen! Wie Kannst Du So Mein Herz Touchieren? Viel Dank Bin Ich Ihm Schuldig Auf Des Lebens Raschen Wogen Der ...

20,50 CHF

Chamber Music
For many Mozart is more 'perfector' than 'innovator', a composer who drew on an already extant vocabulary to create some of the greatest works in European culture. In this recording, however, we are introduced to Mozart the 'trailblazer': the first composer in history to take wind instruments seriously. Whereas his colleagues were inclined to employ the so-called Harmonie merely to ...

14,50 CHF

Vincelot Und Der Geist Von Drachenfels
Nacht für Nacht treibt ein schauriger Geist sein Unwesen in den Gängen der Burg. Vincelot und sein magisches Schwert Jaber nehmen all ihren Mut zusammen, um den Geist zu fangen. Und dann steht er plötzlich vor ihnen: der kopflose Diego von Drachenfels, Paulas Urgroßonkel ... Ob die Freunde es schaffen, dem Spuk ein Ende zu setzen? Und was hat Fürst ...

18,50 CHF