8413 Ergebnisse - Zeige 61 von 80.

Strafrechtsdurchsetzung im digitalen Raum
»Criminal Law Enforcement in the Digital Space. From the German Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) to the European Digital Services Act (DSA)«: The paper first examines the Network Enforcement Act (NetzDG) and then the relationship to the Digital Services Act (DSA), which follows a similar approach and also provides for the reporting of suspected criminal offences under certain conditions. Even if ...

91,00 CHF

Über die Makroökonomie des Geldes
»Macroeconomics on Money - Actual Observations in Eight Lessons«: Using empirical observations in eight lessons, the former founding rector, university lecturer and expert in economics Thomas von der Vring explains in an understandable way how our monetary system works. As a carefully prepared and well-founded introduction to the complex field of macroeconomics, the book is aimed equally at interested laypeople ...

36,50 CHF

Kompendium zur Volkswirtschaftslehre
»A Compendium of Economics«: This book offers an accessible overview of the core elements of economic theory. Its target groups are primarily students of economic sciences at colleges and universities, as well as interested readers in general. The main focus lies on the basic models of microeconomic and macroeconomic theory, and the applicability of these models to economic policy.

104,00 CHF

Liberales Denken - der Kampf um Deutungshoheit
»Liberal Thinking. The Struggle for Sovereignty of Interpretation. The Political Style of National Liberalists in the Early Bismarckian Empire«: The early Bismarckian era saw one of the great reform phases in modern German history, in which the National Liberals played a major role. The liberal modernization program was supported by a political style that appealed to large sections of the ...

116,00 CHF

Schiedszusagen im europäischen und deutschen Kartellrecht
»Arbitration Commitments in European and German Antitrust Law. The Effective Involvement of Arbitral Tribunals in Merger Control, Antitrust and Abuse of Dominance Proceedings«: This study examines legal issues associated with the use of arbitration commitments, including the (group-wide) civil law binding effect of such commitments and the standard of ordre public review of such arbitral awards, which serves as a ...

104,00 CHF

Die Nachlassteilhabe von Sozialhilfeempfängern
»Social Welfare Recipients and their Participation in the Estate. A Dogmatic Analysis of Effective Legal Strategies before and after the Inheritance«: Under German law, the participation of social welfare recipients in the estate can be achieved effectively by legal instruments which are - regarding the regulatory social law systems - functionally favourable. Such instruments must not jeopardise the welfare entitlement ...

116,00 CHF

Die prekäre Verbindung von Menschenrechten und Frieden
»The Precarious Connection of Human Rights and Peace. On the Ambivalence of Liberalism and the Patterns of International Law«: Considering world affairs today and the antiliberal currents within western societies (backlash), not to mention the rise of China or Russia's ongoing war of aggression against the Ukraine, it certainly seems misguided to propagate a so-called triumph of Western values or ...

116,00 CHF

Der Verlustrücktrag in der Einkommen-, Körperschaft- und Gewerbesteuer
»The Loss Carryback in Income Tax, Corporate Income Tax and Trade Tax-System, Constitutional Classification and Reform Proposal«: The thesis addresses the question whether the loss carryback is to be classified as a tax subsidy at the disposition of the law-maker or whether requirements of the constitutional law have to be taken into consideration in the process of its design. It ...

129,00 CHF

Die Medienkonzentrationskontrolle im digitalen Zeitalter
»Media Concentration Law in the Digital Age«: In the interest of democracy, individual media companies must be prevented from gaining opinion power. To this end, media concentration is regulated in accordance with the Interstate Media Treaty. However, recent developments in the media sector have led to an inconsistent regulatory regime, which no longer adequately covers all media players relevant to ...

104,00 CHF

Entwicklung und Funktion von Haushaltsplan und Haushaltsgesetz in den Verfassungsordnungen Deutschlands und Südkoreas
»The Evolution and Function of Budgets in the Constitutional Systems of Germany and South Korea. A Legal Comparison of Budget Constitutional Law in Germany and South Korea«: The budget in Germany is established in statutory form, whereas in South Korea, it does not follow this procedure. Concerning the legal implications of the approved budget, there is no significant difference between ...

104,00 CHF

900 Jahre Stadt Freiburg, 500 Jahre Stadtrechtsreformation
»900 Years City of Freiburg, 500 Years Town Law Reformation. Results, Contexts and Open Questions in the History of Town Law«: The conference proceedings document the public event organised by the Freiburg City Archives, the Chair of Medieval History I and the Department of Regional History at the Department of History of the University of Freiburg and the Institute of ...

116,00 CHF

Missbrauchsgefahren durch Vergleiche in Kollektivverfahren
»Risks Associated with Settlements in Mass Proceedings«: Recently, there has been an uptick in mass damage cases. In response, a collective action aimed at achieving a binding determination of common facts, along with an EU representative collective action were amended. Consequently, it is anticipated that there will be an increase in collective settlements. This dissertation aims to outline the risks ...

116,00 CHF

Das nordrhein-westfälische Versammlungsgesetz
»The North Rhine-Westphalian Assembly Act«: At the beginning of 2022, a new state assembly law came into force in North Rhine-Westphalia, which was already subject to massive criticism and protests during the legislative process. In addition, the North Rhine-Westphalian Constitutional Court will soon rule on the constitutional complaint that has been pending since January 2023. The author analyses the extent ...

91,00 CHF

Zur Antinomie der Strafzwecke
»On the Antinomy of Penal Purposes. A Contribution to the Dogmatics of Sentencing Law«: Due to the essential divergence of preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations, the sentencing process faces the problem of the antinomy of penal purposes, as there are conceivable cases in which preventive and fact-guilt-related considerations prejudge conflicting decisions in sentencing law. As a result, the book demonstrates that ...

67,00 CHF

Fiskalzwecke im Steuerverfassungsrecht
»Fiscal Purposes within Constitutional Tax Law«: The general fiscal purpose does not justify the restriction of constitutional principles. Nevertheless, courts and literature discuss whether a qualified fiscal purpose can be an appropriate justification. The dissertation analyzes fiscal purposes within constitutional tax law holistically and differentiates various types of fiscal purposes from each other. It proposes an overarching systematization for qualified ...

140,00 CHF

Briefe an und von Johann George Scheffner
Im Rahmen des Projekts »Duncker & Humblot reprints« heben wir Schätze aus dem Programm der ersten rund 150 Jahre unserer Verlagsgeschichte, von der Gründung 1798 bis zum Ende des Zweiten Weltkriegs 1945. Lange vergriffene Klassiker und Fundstücke aus den Bereichen Rechts- und Staatswissenschaften, Wirtschafts- und Sozialwissenschaften, Geschichte, Philosophie und Literaturwissenschaft werden nach langer Zeit wieder verfügbar gemacht.

160,00 CHF

Die Unternehmensgeschichte des Verlages Duncker & Humblot
»The company history of the publishing house Duncker & Humblot«: 25 years ago, the "Verlagsbibliographie Duncker & Humblot 1798-1945" was published on the occasion of the 200th anniversary of the publishing house, which contained the history of the publishing house as well as a bibliography of the publishing house from 1798 to 1945. To mark the 225th anniversary of Duncker ...

16,50 CHF

Die strafrechtliche Verantwortung der Hersteller automatisierter und autonomer Fahrzeuge
»Criminal Liability of Manufacturers of Automated and Autonomous Vehicles«: Criminal consequences always have the potential to stifle innovation. This paper analyses the circumstances under which the manufacturer of automated and autonomous vehicles can be held liable for placing such a vehicle on the market. In this context, the author outlines individual due diligence requirements for manufacturers, looks at the human ...

140,00 CHF