9 Ergebnisse.

Feedback That Works: How to Build and Deliver Your Message, Second Edition (German)
Providing feedback to others about their performance is a key developmental experience. But not all feedback is effective in making the best use of that experience. This book demonstrates how to make the feedback you give more effective so that others can benefit from your message. In this new edition, we've updated how we talk about, teach, and demonstrate the ...

23,90 CHF

Active Listening: Improve Your Ability to Listen and Lead, First Edition (German)
Listening well is an essential component of good leadership. You can become a more effective listener and leader by learning the skills of active listening. Working relationships become more solid, based on trust, respect, and honesty. Active listening is not an optional component of leadership, it is not a nicety to be used to make others feel good. It is, ...

23,90 CHF

Leadership Brand: Deliver on Your Promise (German)
Everyone has a reputation. Whether good or bad, your reputation precedes you, and can inhibit or enhance your professional goals. However, how do you actively nurture, develop, and manage how others see you? In this book, we'll discuss how crafting a brand can give you control of how you're perceived at work. From proven strategies from CCL experts, to practical ...

23,90 CHF

Feedback That Works: How to Build and Deliver Your Message, First Edition (German)
Ganz gleich, welche Stellung Sie in Ihrer Organisation innehaben - ob Fachgebietsleiter, Teamleiter oder Führungskraft auf höchster Ebene -, die Fähigkeit, sinnvolles und wirkungsvolles Feedback zu geben, ist ein maßgeblicher Beitrag zur Entwicklung von Mitarbeitern sowie zur Bewältigung von Aufgaben. Der Schlüssel zu wirksamem Feedback ist die richtige Formulierung und Übermittlung detailgenauer Botschaften auf der Grundlage beobachteter Leistungen. Ihr Feedback ...

24,90 CHF

Social Identity: Knowing Yourself, Leading Others (German)
The context of leadership has changed. Traditionally, leaders worked in organizations in which people largely shared a common culture and set of values. Today, leaders must bring together groups of people with very different histories, perspectives, values, and cultures. The people you lead are likely to be different from you and from each other in significant ways. Leaders today need ...

24,90 CHF

Managing Your Whole Life (German)
Es kann schwierig sein, den Anforderungen am Arbeitsplatz und den Verantwortlichkeiten im Privatleben gerecht zu werden, besonders dann, wenn man eine engagierte und nach Erfolg strebende Führungsperson ist. In diesem Buch erfahren Sie, wie Sie die Grenzen zwischen dem Arbeits- und Privatleben erfolgreich etablieren und bewältigen. Dadurch werden Sie im Beruf und zu Hause erfolgreicher sein.

23,90 CHF