5 Ergebnisse.

Jugoslawiens Entstehung
In the present work we learn - mainly from the Yugoslav point of view - the domestic and foreign policy struggles of Serbia from 1903 to 1914. Table of Contents: Inhalt der vorstehenden Kapitel 5 Vorwort . 21 Einleitung . 23 Wien - Belgrad . 28 Ein verhängnisvoller Irrtum . 41 Verschwörerfrage und Diplomatenstreik 49 Serbiens Kampf um seine wirtschaftliche ...

67,00 CHF

Geschichte der Ukraine von den Anfängen bis zum Jahre 1920
The history of Ukraine from the beginnings to 1920 by Borys Krupnyckyj (1894-1956). Originally published in 1939. I. Die Kiewer Periode II. Das galizisch-wolhynische Fürstentum III. Die Ukraine unter litauischer Oberherrschaft IV. Die Ukraine unter Polen V. Anfänge und Entwicklung des Kosakentums VI. Die Lage der Ukraine in der ersten Hälfte des 17. Jahrhunderts. Die Auseinandersetzung der Kosaken mit Polen ...

56,50 CHF

Aus dem inneren Leben der Zigeuner
Heinrich Adalbert von Wlislocki (1856-1907) was a Transylvanian folklorist, linguist and cultural anthropologist. He specialized in "Tsiganology", and conducted intensive literary collections as well as field-studies among Transylvanian Gypsies/Roma. He became member of a Roma-Clan and got married to a Romani woman. Volume I (1889) of the Journal of the Gypsy Lore Society wrote about him as „the scholar probably ...

54,50 CHF

Durch Bosnien und die Hercegovina kreuz und quer
Heinrich Renner's travelogue was published 14 years after Austria-Hungary had occupied Bosnia and Herzegovina based on the mandate of the Berlin Treaty of 1878. When Renner, in 1892, describes the effects of this annexation, he himself speaks of an "achievement unprecedented in colonial history" - a wording which classifies the annexation as one particular phenomenon of the political main-stream, as ...

53,50 CHF