905 Ergebnisse - Zeige 41 von 60.

What's New? Neue Perspektiven in ethnographischer Erziehungswissenschaft
The volume presents current research approaches in the field of pedagogy and educational science and asks how "the new" shows itself in educational ethnography. The authors take a look at the phenomenon of the new from theoretical, methodological and empirical perspectives. The consideration of tradition and transformation opens up broader perspectives on pedagogical dynamics and social challenges.

42,50 CHF

Grundfragen der beruflichen Bildung
Vocational and professional education is charaterised by a certain overlap in the structure of its fundamental questions of interest - such as bildung, or, education. However, the discipline of vocationomics (commonly V.E.T.) has evolved into a series of other questions, such as the role of vocation, respectively profession in education, the systematic construction of the system of schooling and workplace ...

117,00 CHF

Lehrer:innenbildung im 19. und 20. Jahrhundert
This anthology inaugurates the new series "Interdisciplinary Papers on Teacher Education" and presents contributions from the conference on teacher education in the 19th and 20th centuries, which took place at the University of Trier in spring 2022. The focus is on (trans)national perspectives on the development of teacher education, especially in relation to Germany and Austria - a valuable insight ...

91,00 CHF

Junge Frauen mit Fluchterfahrungen zwischen Resilienz und Vulnerabilität
Which conditions and factors influence the negotiation processes of resilience and vulnerability among refugee women? What are the central dimensions of their resilience processes? This feminist ethnographic participatory study examines these processes among women in Italian emergency reception centres. The results emphasise the importance of contextual influence on resilience and vulnerability and show how visual participatory methods can contribute to ...

49,90 CHF

Demokratie und Sozialraum
Democracy is in danger! Democratic action is increasingly no longer a matter of course and participation in democratic processes and decisions is hardly part of everyday life for many, especially vulnerable social groups. This volume uses concrete project examples to show how approaches of social space development and organisation can support the democratisation of everyday life.

42,50 CHF

Addressing Inequality: Erziehungs- und sozialwissenschaftliche Beiträge zur Subjektivierungsforschung
This volume is dedicated to the relevance of subjectivation research in educational science and related disciplines. It combines basic theoretical and methodological contributions to subjectification research with analyses that focus on gender and race aspects. The diverse contributions of the authors cover current problems and questions and offer insights into subjectivation research and its significance for society.

60,50 CHF

Gerechtigkeit und die Ökologie des Ökonomischen
Women are most affected by climate change: The crises triggered by climate change push them into traditional gender relations. This is why climate policy must not only promote a new conception of the economy, but also go hand in hand with a critique of patriarchy that extends into concepts of justice. If sustainable economic concepts are to be developed, they ...

36,50 CHF

Datenreport Erziehungswissenschaft 2024
Die Erziehungswissenschaft entwickelt sich als eines der größten Fächer an deutschen Hochschulen stetig weiter. Mit dem alle vier Jahre erscheinenden Datenreport informiert die Deutsche Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE) die Fachöffentlichkeit, die Bildungs- und Hochschulpolitik und die Öffentlichkeit über diese Entwicklung und den erreichten Entwicklungsstand des Fachs. Auf dieser Grundlage dient der Datenreport der Identifikation fachpolitischer ebenso wie hochschul- und bildungspolitischer ...

48,50 CHF

75 Jahre Allgemeine Erklärung der Menschenrechte
In the 75th year of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, global events such as wars in Ukraine, Syria, and Yemen, the Rohingya genocide in Myanmar, and environmental change and migration movements highlight the challenges of protecting these rights. This anniversary publication takes a look at the connections between different human rights and offers impetus for a deeper discussion on ...

33,50 CHF

Qualitätsentwicklung in Kitas: Wenn Entdecken und Forschen zum Alltag werden
The book presents the programme "KiQ - Together for Childcare Quality". It also contains three expert reports on the topics of "Learning Kita", "Process support for daycare centres in change processes" and "Change processes in the elementary sector from a field-tested perspective", which served as the professional basis for the programme. In addition, the results of the scientific monitoring of ...

36,50 CHF

Wissenschaftskarrieren und Gender Bias
What form does social change take with regard to equal opportunities in academic careers? How can gender bias be counteracted structurally and sustainably? The anthology pursues a double focus on this change towards an increase in equal opportunities in academic careers. The contributions analyse the experiences of scientists as well as micro-politically active stakeholders in research organisations and provide answers ...

67,00 CHF

Pädagogik als Sorge?
The new issue of the Jahrbuch erziehungswissenschaftliche Geschlechterforschung (Yearbook of Gender Studies in Education) focuses on the significance of care for education. While care is receiving increasing attention in educational science, there is a lack of gender-theoretical foundations. The volume offers analyses of the connection between care and pedagogy from the perspective of educational gender studies, therefore contributing to closing ...

51,90 CHF

Kinder stärken in Zeiten der Digitalisierung
Contemporary everyday life, shaped by digitalization and multiple crises, has an impact on young people's world and self-relations. Above all, the increasing shift of learning and life processes into the digital space is proving to be an expression of prevailing educational paradigms that go hand in hand with a de-pedagogisation. The volume identifies current challenges and points to approaches for ...

45,90 CHF

Politische Sozialisation junger Menschen in der Gegenwartsgesellschaft
How do young people start to think politically? What makes them get politically involved? How do they develop their relationship to democracy? These questions refer to the process of "political socialisation", to which this volume is dedicated. The contributions systematise empirical findings and insights, provide theoretical and conceptual groundwork and explore current fields of political socialisation in adolescence.

80,00 CHF

Politik und Gesellschaft im Pferdestall
What is the political responsibility and social significance of social science research, teaching, and student body? How have the social sciences changed over the past 100 years? Using the example of the University of Hamburg, this book addresses these questions and sheds light on the work and activities of selected Hamburg social scientists, the history of the institute, feminist initiatives, ...

90,00 CHF

Raumnutzungsverhalten von Menschen in Obdachlosigkeit
The most vulnerable group in public spaces are homeless people. Their use of public space, especially during the corona pandemic, has not yet been researched. The authors reconstruct it using the example of the city of Cologne within the framework of a participatory study and consider data from questionnaires, GPS tracking, interviews and photography. The volume presents the innovative study ...

70,00 CHF

Ethik in der beruflichen Bildung
What role does ethics play in vocational education? The subject of ethics is now firmly established at universities that train for professional fields such as nursing, medicine, social work and the police. In view of this development, this volume initiates a scientific debate about the design of the subject. The contributions discuss the tasks, goals and content of ethics in ...

59,50 CHF

Konstituierende Rahmung und professionelle Praxis
The praxeological sociology of knowledge and the documentary method are characterized by continuous reflection, differentiation and further development of their categories in the empirical debate. The focus is on the relationship between propositional and performative logic as well as the category of conjunctive experiential space. The volume deals with this for organizational conjunctive experiential spaces, and focuses on pedagogical contexts.

54,50 CHF

Deutsch als Zweitsprache: Diskriminierung im wissenschaftlichen Diskurs
Who belongs? The academic discourse in the subject of German as a second language is inscribed in many forms of discrimination against migrated persons and groups, which have so far been too little named, questioned and researched. This volume makes a first contribution to the critical analysis of the entanglement of the discipline in discriminatory, inferiorising, marginalising and exclusionary discourses ...

54,50 CHF