905 Ergebnisse - Zeige 21 von 40.

Betriebliche Ausbildungspartnerschaften von KMU - Vier Fallanalysen zu Struktur und Praxis
Die Ausbildungsbetriebsquote ist rückläufig und vor allem kleine Unternehmen ziehen sich aus der Ausbildung zurück. Verbünde werden bildungspolitisch als eine Möglichkeit propagiert, die Ausbildungsbeteiligung der Betriebe zu stabilisieren. Über die Gegebenheiten und Herausforderungen solcher Zusammenschlüsse ist jedoch wenig bekannt. Im Zuge von Fallstudien konnten vier unterschiedliche Beispiele für betriebliche Ausbildungspartnerschaften, bei denen sich allein ausbildungsberechtigte KMU mit einem oder mehreren ...

48,50 CHF

Planung und Gestaltung von Ausbildung im Kontext des Lernens im Prozess der Arbeit
The research project "Planning and organisation of training in the context of learning in the work process" examined the question of how companies plan and organise their training. In order to represent as broad a spectrum of different training companies as possible, 17 training occupations were included in the study. The research findings are based on the evaluation of 45 ...

48,50 CHF

Transmissionsprozesse in Familien marokkanischer Herkunft in Frankreich und Deutschland
Based on a multi-sited study combining biographical interviews and ethnographic observations, this book examines intergenerational transmission processes in families of Moroccan origin in France and Germany. It addresses the "strategies of self-regard" developed by the families and the concept of historical transnationalism, which combines postcolonial and transnational research perspectives.

45,90 CHF

Understanding and professional reflection of milieu-conditioned lifestyles in the context of social inequality relations are necessary to make social work more sustainable and professional. On the basis of this main thesis, the author aims to make habitus-milieu reflexivity understandable and applicable as a key qualification. An important book that sharpens the self-concept of social work from a perspective based on ...

42,50 CHF

Die Lebenswelt zum Thema
The school offers of personality development put the students' lifeworld in the spotlight of pedagogical practice. Against this background, this study addresses the question of how teaching in the school subject "Personality Development and Social Competence" (PBSK), which is established at Austrian federal commercial academies and schools (BHAK/BHAS), takes shape in a first-grade commercial school. The focus is on interactions ...

38,90 CHF

Mit Sozialpolitik regieren
How can labor market policy best help young people enter the workforce? This in-depth analysis of employment support for disadvantaged youth in Austria discusses the introduction of measures such as the supra-company apprenticeship, the training guarantee and compulsory training against the background of their political discussion and their socio-political implementation. The research findings obtained are not only relevant for Austria, ...

60,50 CHF

Strukturdaten Distance Learning/Distance Education 2023
In the light of rapid technological developments and a comprehensive digitalisation of society and the world of work, lifelong learning is becoming increasingly important. Non-academic and higher education courses in the form of distance learning/distance education offer an established didactic format for reconciling (continuing) education with gainful employment, family obligations or restrictions in mobility. The Federal Institute for Vocational Education ...

36,50 CHF

Demokratiebildung in Verfahren der Qualitätsentwicklung in Kitas: Eine Dokumentenanalyse
Participation, children's rights, diversity and inclusion - empty buzzwords or part of democracy building in German day care centres? The author empirically examines 21 quality procedures in the field of childcare and demonstrates that there is a need for action in the quality discourse. This is especially true with regard to a discrimination-critical and diversity-sensitive orientation and in prioritising democracy ...

70,00 CHF

Eigene und gemeinsame Lernarbeit
The traditional forms and contents of teaching will no longer meet the challenges of the future. Beyond "educational" knowledge, an expanded and sophisticated understanding of "education" is required. In this objective, an alternative concept of learning organisation is developed: Adolescents develop individual competence profiles in their own learning work and at the same time experience in joint projects that all ...

54,50 CHF

Das Gruppenklima in der Heimerziehung
The importance of group processes and climates in residential education currently occupies little space in the professional discourses of child and youth welfare. This volume addresses this topic and examines the social climate in residential care from the perspective of children and adolescents. For the practice of home education, perspectives for action are then developed for individual and group work ...

37,50 CHF

50 Jahre Sektion Berufs- und Wirtschaftspädagogik in der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Erziehungswissenschaft (DGfE)
The Section for Vocational and Business Education of the DGfE is celebrating its 50th anniversary. The volume takes this as an opportunity to look at continuities and changes within the discipline and the section. The contributions illuminate discourses or lines of discourse, research, self-image and professionalisation issues in vocational and business education.

100,00 CHF

Vielfaltsorientierung und Diskriminierungskritik
School and classroom research show that inequality and discrimination are present in schools despite inclusion efforts. This volume discusses approaches to school development, professionalisation and diversity in subject teaching that are critical of racism, ableism and heteronormativity. The focus is on the tension between persistent discrimination and inequality (re)production on the one hand, and legal and pedagogical claims for participation ...

90,00 CHF

Demokratie von Anfang an
The sole intention and the most interesting methods of democracy education cannot replace two essential prerequisites for a living democracy from an early age: The attitudes and structures that help to also implement democratic convictions and give children the necessary support in a democratic society. This volume presents experiences and examples concerning structures, networks and attitudes that contribute to the ...

37,50 CHF

Populismus und Protest
How do technologies shape participation? The rise of digital technologies has facilitated novel modes of engagement, such as political campaigns, protest movements, or civic education initiatives. However, changing economies of attention and politics of affect have allowed right-wing populist and far-right actors and movements to also reap benefits. This volume brings together new perspectives from general education and media education ...

80,00 CHF

Die panafrikanische ¿Charter for African Cultural Renaissance¿
This study is dedicated to the postcolonial preservation of cultural heritage and restitution policies within the framework of the Charter for African Cultural Renaissance as a Pan-African instrument of international law. The author - holder of the UNESCO Chair in International Relations and vice president of the curatorium of the African Institute of International Law (AIIL) - analyses the multifaceted ...

80,00 CHF

Politik im Zeitnotstand
Time pressure has become the central challenge for political action. Catastrophes, crises, wars, and the great transformation process of society toward climate neutrality overlap and leave little room for communication and democratic processes. Freedom, prosperity and, not least, the right to one's own time seem to be increasingly called into question by the countermeasures taken by those with political responsibility. ...

91,00 CHF

Fachberatung im Kinderschutz
If suspicions of possible risk to a child's well-being exist, a risk assessment by a so-called insoweit erfahrene Fachkraft ("insofar experienced specialist") becomes necessary. Although this assessment has been a legal requirement in Germany since 2005, questions remain unanswered. The handbook addresses topics that are important for professional counseling in child protection, such as violence, inclusive child protection and family ...

90,00 CHF

Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2024
Der Kinder- und Jugendhilfereport 2024 analysiert die Situation der Kinder- und Jugendhilfe anhand der wichtigsten sozial- und bildungsstatistischen Kennzahlen, etwa zur Inanspruchnahme, zu Trägern, zu Einrichtungen, zum Personal oder zu Kosten. Dadurch bietet die Publikation einen zuverlässigen und aktuellen Überblick über die Entwicklung in der gesamten Kinder- und Jugendhilfe und ihren wichtigsten Arbeitsfeldern. Schwerpunkt der Ausgabe ist der akute Fachkräftemangel, ...

42,50 CHF

Leistungsbeurteilungen an Hochschulen lernförderlich gestalten
How can university teachers design different assessment formats, assess students' performance, and performance feedback in a way that is as conducive to learning as possible? The book provides practical advice on the design, assessment and feedback of examinations and many other assessment formats. In addition, it addresses basic principles of learning psychology, knowledge of which is valuable for effective and ...

59,50 CHF

Demokratie als Selbst-Regieren
The future of democracy needs to be redesigned - this book offers a new approach. It argues that citizens should decide for themselves how they want to govern and be governed, linking representative, deliberative and participatory theories of democracy with empirical evidence. On this basis, it proposes practices that support communities in developing their own visions of democracy. As such, ...

67,00 CHF