2 Ergebnisse.

Briefe und Tagebücher zwischen Text und Quelle
In this volume, historians and literary critics jointly explore the literary genres of letters and diaries, which, for historians, are a key historical source. This interdisciplinary perspective opens up new epistemological opportunities, and it demonstrates, how stimulating an interdisciplinary conversation about genres can be. The volume presents a multi-facetted panorama of epistolary and diaristic cultures from the early modern period ...

79,00 CHF

Autobiographie zwischen Text und Quelle
In dealing with autobiographies, historians and literary critics are all too often working back to back. This volume aims at changing that by initiating a dialogue about the phenomenon of autobiography between the disciplines. The contributions to this volume elaborate on how historians can profit from the approaches to autobiography taken by literary critics. At the same time, literary critics ...

109,00 CHF