3 Ergebnisse.

5 Huapangos
The huapango is a popular dance originating on the east coast of Mexico. Its subtle alternation of 2 & 3 can be demonstrated in this recitation: MEX-ico, EC-uador, CHI-le, COS-ta, RI-ca.These dances can be likened to diarist entries written during an extended stay in Mexico's west coast state of Nayarit. Following each sultry day of exploring the beaches, I would ...

25,50 CHF

5 Huapangos
The huapango is a popular dance originating on the east coast of Mexico. Its subtle alternation of 2 & 3 can be demonstrated in this recitation: MEX-ico, EC-uador, CHI-le, COS-ta, RI-ca. These dances can be likened to diarist entries written during an extended stay in Mexico's west coast state of Nayarit. Following each sultry day of exploring the beaches, I ...

25,50 CHF

Duo Suite On Mexican Themes
Mike Curtis' Aufenthalt in der zentralmexikanischen Stadt Guanajuata inspirierte ihn zu dieser großen musikalischen Zelebration mit stimmungsvollen, ethnischen Texturen und Farben.Schwierigkeitsgrad: 2-3

19,90 CHF